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NOTE: Logging into Single Sign On (SSO) using your M.ID instead of your UCMNetID will result in 'Access Denied' error message when trying to use MyDegreePath. If you receive this error, log out of SSO and log back in again using your UCMNetID.

  • UCMNetID: Your UCMNetID is your UC Merced email username, used to access services like email, CatCourses, Zoom, and financial accounts.
  • M.ID: The M.ID is your permanent Student ID, used for forms and campus identification, and appears on your CatCard.
Access MyDegreePath through My Merced in Connect or by clicking the MDP icon above.
View our MyDegreePath | How to Create a Plan video tutorial!
Note - Scheduled MDP system restarts occur at 8:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM, 6:30 PM, and 9:30 PM every day. The system may be inaccessible or unavailable for a few minutes.
MyDegreePath combines degree audits with academic planning. A degree audit analyzes degree requirements for a major, concentration, and minor according to the catalog year when you entered UC Merced. The audit gives a complete picture regarding what degree requirements have been met, are in progress and are remaining. It is a quick tool that can be used to check your progress in your degree program.
The report displays the courses from which you must select in order to complete degree requirements, and it shows how the completed courses apply toward those requirements. Your degree audit report provides a snapshot of where you stand relative to graduation. NOTE: Requirements are not currently analyzed for extension or summer only students.
Academic planning allows you to use roadmaps built by your academic advisor along with your degree audit to create a path towards graduation. You create a plan divided by terms and can check your plan against your degree audit. The planning feature allows you to project your GPA and post a message if you are planning on studying abroad, taking an educational leave, or attending the intercampus visitor program.
Although MyDegreePath provides a comprehensive description of program requirements, it is unofficial and not intended to supplement the role of the School advisor, who will help you with course selection and assist you in making informed decisions.
Learn more about using MyDegreePath:
Quick Tip: How do I view MyDegreePath?
Undergraduate students at UC Merced have access to their MyDegreePath online via Once logged in, go to the Student Services tab or channel, then select MyDegreePath on the left under Student Services.
You can choose to submit a new degree audit (recommended) or view an audit that you requested in the past (will not reflect changes since that date) by clicking on the “Audits” tab.
A "What if" audit is run for majors or concentrations you are thinking of switching, but you're not ready to make the actual change yet. The "What if" does not permanently change your declared major or concentration; it just shows you what courses you would need if you were to officially change.
You can create a new and view current academic plans by clicking on the “Plans” tab. You can then drag and drop courses into the terms you plan on taking them.
Want to know more? View our FAQ page.
If you feel that MyDegreePath is not correctly analyzing certain requirements, you should contact your advisor. If you are unable to access your MyDegreePath send an email to