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Room Reservations

Event Scheduling

Room Reservations for Instructional Spaces

By submitting a reservation request, you agree to comply with all campus policies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Prior to your event, be sure to check the and communicate the mitigation measures with your event participants. 

For events that take place outside of the date ranges listed above and for any general concerns or questions, please contact


The Office of the Registrar schedules room reservations for instructional/academic spaces in the following main campus buildings. Room reservations must be submitted and processed through the Astra Scheduling System.

Please select one of the building options below for a complete list of rooms available in each building.

  • Arts and Computational Sciences: ACS 102B, 102C, 104B*, 108*, 109*, 120, and 135*
  • Administration: ADMIN 250, 253, 255, 260, 262, 264, 265, 350, 353, 354, 355, 360, 362, 364, 365
  • Biomedical Sciences and Physics: BSP rooms require special approval
  • Classroom and Office Building: COB 102, 105, 110, 113, 114, 116, 120, 127, 129, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 270, 272, 274, 276, 279, 281*, 282, 286, and 288
  • Classroom and Office Building 2: COB2 110, 130, 140, 170, 175*, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, and 267
  • Glacier Point: GLCR 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, and 165
  • Granite Pass: GRAN 110*, 115, 120*, 125*, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, and 155
  • Kolligian Library: KL 202*, 208*, 209, 217, and 396 
  • Social Sciences and Management Building: SSM 100, 104, 116*, 150, and 154*
  • Student Services Building: SSB 110, 120, 130, 150, 160, and 170
  • Science and Engineering Building: SE1 100*, 138*, and all other rooms require special approval
  • Science and Engineering Building 2: SE2 rooms require special approval
  • Sustainability Research and Engineering Building: SRE rooms require special approval

*Indicates room requires special approval

Registered student clubs and organizations, schools and campus departments may request academic rooms for non-academic, university-related purposes through the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar shall review and approve requests to ensure they are in accordance with campus regulations.

Any activity conducted during an event must be in accordance with all university regulations and policies, as well as any federal, state and local statutes. The university reserves the right to prohibit any event that may involve potential personal liability, property damage, campus/community disruption, or may otherwise be deemed contrary to the mission of the university.

Email Communication

Faculty, staff and officers of student clubs and organizations are expected to conduct UC business using their UC Merced email address. The Office of the Registrar will not respond to personal email addresses.

Room Usage Guidelines

Rooms should be left in a neat and orderly condition, and returned to their standard configuration upon completion of an event. Ensure the event ends promptly and attendees exit in a timely manner. Furnishings, including tables, chairs, student desks, lecterns, and AV/IT equipment, must remain in their designated rooms at all times and may not be removed or stored elsewhere for the duration of an event. Do not attempt to move or disconnect furniture fastened to floors, walls, or other furniture. Do not unplug electrical wiring or cables from desks, tables, floors, or walls. Immediately report any damages, new or existing, to rooms and equipment, otherwise your group may be liable.

Reserving Non-Instructional Spaces

To reserve non-instructional space for your event, go to to submit a request via the EMS Room Reservation System. Spaces reserved through EMS include conference rooms, collaborative workrooms, indoor and outdoor event and recreation spaces, lactation rooms, and other non-academic rooms.

Academic spaces must be reserved in advance through the Office of the Registrar. All reservations assigned in academic rooms are subject to change due to the scheduling needs of course sections, which may take priority over other events, as determined by the Office of the Registrar. This may include reassignment to another space or cancellation of the event. For student clubs and organizations, any current officer is authorized to request academic rooms. Current staff or faculty members are authorized to request academic rooms for schools/departments.

  • Requests are processed in the order they are received; on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • At least 2 business day notice is required for all event requests. During peak times, it can take up to 2 weeks for event requests to be processed.
  • Submitting a request DOES NOT confirm a room reservation.
    • The email sent from Astra verifying we have received the request DOES NOT serve as confirmation for the reservation.
    • Once we have processed a request, a final email will be sent from Astra, confirming the status of the room reservation.
  • It is the responsibility of the requestor to ensure any Facilities Management, Custodial, and IT needs have been coordinated at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the room reservation.

Computer Laboratories

The nature of the event and all required software must be included in the “Event Details” for all computer lab requests. Once we receive the request, we will work directly with Computer Lab Management for approval. An email notification of the status of the room reservation will be provided afterwards.

Weekend Use

The weekend is defined as Friday starting at 7:00pm through Sunday ending at 11:00pm. Requests submitted after 4:00pm on a Thursday for weekend events within the same week will be declined.

Limit on Auditorium and Dance/Music Room Reservations

Student clubs and organizations may request a maximum of one auditorium or dance/music room, twice per week, for no more than six hours total per week during an academic term. Auditorium/Dance/Music rooms are defined as COB 102, ACS 120, ACS 108, ACS 109, and SSM 116. If additional room reservations or meeting hours are needed beyond this limit, groups may request one additional timeframe after the fifteenth day of instruction for a term, for a total of nine hours per week.

Room Lockouts

If your event has been approved by the Registrar's Office and your scheduled rooms are locked upon arrival, contact the UC Merced Police Department (209-228-2677) immediately for assistance.   

Cancellations and Changes

All cancellation and change requests must be submitted to Please note: the requestor may be liable for any damage or misuse of the room if the reservation is not canceled, or if the room is left unattended prior to the end of the reservation.

Outside Organizations

For outside organizations not affiliated with UC Merced, please contact Hospitality Services (