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Registration Information


Where do I start with online registration?

Step-by-step guidance and information regarding common online registration errors and preparing for registration can be found on our registration help page.

Online Registration Errors:

Step-by-Step Guide:

Which classes should I take?

We encourage you to meet with your academic advisor to discuss course plans and graduation requirements. More information about academic advising is available here:

MyDegreePath is a tool available to you that combines a degree audit with an academic planner. This resource may aid you in the selection of courses for the term. 

What should I do if there is no space available in my preferred sections?

Registration activity primarily occurs during priority registration week. It is important that you select courses that fit into your degree progress. If space is not available in your preferred courses/sections or on the course waitlist, we recommend that you register for other courses that fit into your degree plan. Your academic advisor and the MyDegreePath tool may assist you in determining which courses to take next term.

You may view open classes on the online course schedule.

I am getting registration errors. How do I resolve them?

Please refer to this full list of errors and instructions here:

I plan on taking fewer than 12 units. Is there anything I have to do?

Undergraduate students must carry a study load of at least 15 units each semester in order to maintain normal progress toward their degree and at least 12 units are required for full-time student certification. Enrollment Status Policy.

If for reasons of occupation, family responsibility, health or graduating senior status (one semester only), a student is unable to attend the university on a full-time basis, the student may file for part-time status by the 15th day of instruction. The part-time program form is available here:

What is Journey to 30 and what do I need to sign?

To meet the normal progress to degree requirement, undergraduate students are expected to pass an average of 15 units per semester or 30 units per academic year, completing the 120 units necessary for graduation in four years. Each semester you decide not to enroll in 15 units, you will have an item appear on your checklist one week after open registration called Journey to 30. If you are NOT planning to enroll in at least 15 units for the upcoming term, please acknowledge you have read the Journey to 30 requirement on your checklist and understand the implications. 

In other words, the amount of units you need to pass must average out to 30 units per academic year over a four-year period in order to graduate within four years. For example, CSE, MATH, and COGS majors might take 28 units their first year and complete 32 units their second year. Be aware that Cal Grant awards are limited to four academic years.

To enroll in additional classes, log into MyRegistration through MyMerced in UC Merced Connect.

What steps should I take to repeat a course?

School approval is necessary to repeat a course more than once. Review the course repeat information associated with the School the course is associated with. Links for each School are available on the registration error page.

How do I notify the University that I will not be registering?

Failure to enroll in courses for a fall or spring term may result in the loss of your student status and you will be required to apply to reinstate unless you are on an approved educational leave. 

If you do not intend to return to the university you must submit a Leaving UC Merced Form. If you intend to return to the University, it is recommended that you submit the Leaving UC Merced Form and speak to your academic advisor.

More information about leaving UC Merced:

I am graduating. Why am I receiving registration reminders?

Congratulations on completing your degree requirements! You must notify the Registrar's Office that you are ready to graduate by completing the online graduation application. After we update your application status to under review we will inactivate your student status for the following term and you will stop receiving registration reminders from the Registrar's Office. 

Why does my account say my student status is preventing registration?

This notification may appear for multiple reasons for students, with the most common causes being special program enrollment, an active educational leave, or a graduation application on file. Examples are below.

Special Program Enrollment - Students who are approved to participate in the Education Abroad Program will not be able to register for courses at UCM during their anticipated abroad term. The Registrar's Office will restore registration eligibility at UCM if we receive a withdrawal notification from the EAP program.

Active Educational Leave - Students on an educational leave will not be able to register for terms in between their leave term and the return term noted on their ELP form. If you are interested in updating your return term, send an e-mail to so we may review your request. 

Graduation Application - Your student status is updated to inactive in the term immediately following the term you have applied to graduate in. If your plans have changed and you will be graduating later, you must refile for graduation to have your student status restored. You may refile for graduation here: 

Note - if you are on educational leave and submit a graduation application for a term earlier than your educational leave return term, you may not register for courses in your return term. Submit a graduation refile form and follow up by emailing to let us know that you want your educational leave return term to be restored.

How do I clear my registration holds?

A registration hold is placed on your record to prevent registration. You may view your holds in My Merced. The types of holds that may appear include:

  • Financial- In most cases, financial holds may be paid in cash or by check at the Cashier's Office next to the Students First Center. They may also be paid online through MyBill.
  • Non-financial- You must clear any non-financial holds with the administrative office that imposed it.
  • Advising- In some cases, you may find that you are required to visit with an advisor, due to special circumstances or concerns about your academic performance.

A detailed list of holds is available here.

Why am I receiving a prerequisite error when I try to register for PHYS 009L/019L?

Beginning with summer 2020 registration into PHYS 009L or PHYS 019L requires the completion of PHYS 008L or PHYS 018L with a C- or better. Students who completed PHYS 008 or PHYS 018 with a C- or better in or before fall 2019, should notify their academic advisor of their intent to register in PHYS 009L/019L, for registration assistance. 

There is no course instructor assigned. How do I get a registration override?

If an instructor has not been assigned, the course is not currently eligible for overrides. Continue to check the online class schedule for updates. The Registrar’s Office posts instructor assignments after we receive the assignments from the Schools. For additional questions related to a course without an assigned instructor, we recommend reaching out to your academic advisor for guidance. 

Why am I unable to register for a class that has a seat available?

Cross-listed Courses are the same course offered under different course subjects at the same level (either undergraduate or graduate) that share the same meeting time, requirements, units, etc. Conjoined Courses are the same course but one is undergraduate and one is graduate. Cross-listed and Conjoined courses share seats available in the course and share waitlists. To check to see if a course is cross-listed, from the course description box, click the cross-listed tab. 

Why am I unable to add myself to the course waitlist?

Waitlisted students have 18 hours to register after being notified of an open seat. During this time, the course may appear to have an open seat but the space is actually reserved for students enrolling from the waitlist. 

Courses with multiple components (lab/lecture/discussion) have the course waitlist on the smallest section of the linked course group. Students must register for all linked courses when registering for a class from a waitlist.

Cross-listed courses share waitlists. Contact our office if you have trouble waitlisting for a cross-listed course.

Waitlists expire when the online add period ends. Prepare to follow late add procedures if you are unable to register for a course from the waitlist. More information is available here

Detailed information about waitlists along with how-to guides are available on this site: