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Special Programs

Concurrent Credit from Another Institution

Concurrent Enrollment (Extension)

Intercampus Exchange Program for Graduate Students

Intercampus Visitor

Simultaneous Enrollment

Summer Session

International Opportunity Program (IOP) Leave


UCM and Merced College Intersegmental Cross Enrollment (ICE)

UC Employee Fee Reduction Program

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) 


Concurrent Credit from Another Institution

With the exception of current registered students participating in the UC/CSU/Community College Intersegmental Cross Enrollment Program, a student may not obtain transfer credit for courses at a non-University of California campus in a term during which the student is registered as a full-time student at UC Merced. An exception can be obtained only by petitioning the appropriate dean of the college or school well in advance of the desired registration, and the student must still be enrolled in at least 12 units at the UC Merced campus during the term in which the exception applies.

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Intercampus Exchange Program for Graduate Students

A graduate student registered on the UC Merced campus may become an intercampus exchange student for a full term at any of the other UC campuses with the approval of the graduate adviser, the director of the graduate group and the deans of Graduate Studies on both the home and host campuses. To be eligible, the graduate student must have attended UC Merced for a minimum of one term before participating in the intercampus exchange program. Students are limited to a maximum of two consecutive semester-based terms or three quarter-based terms on intercampus exchange. Permission for exchange is done on a semester-by-semester basis. Application forms may be obtained in the Office of Graduate Studies and should be submitted four weeks in advance of the semester you wish to participate.

Intercampus exchange students register at both campuses and pay fees on their home campus, but they have access to student services available on the host campus. Students should make arrangements with the Office of the Registrar to follow the enrollment procedure of the host campus so that the grades students obtain in courses taken on the host campus will be transferred to their record on the home campus. Grades from courses completed on the host campus will be transferred to the home campus and become part of the student’s official graduate transcript. Exchange students are considered graduate students in residence on the home campus and are not formally admitted to the host graduate school and department. For further information, contact Graduate Studies or

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Intercampus Visitor

The Intercampus Visitor Program allows qualified undergraduate students at UC Merced to take advantage of educational opportunities at other UC campuses. This program enables students who are currently in good standing, have completed at least one year in residence on their home campus and have maintained a grade point average of at least 2.0 for work completed, and obtained approval from the Dean of their school to take courses that are not available at their home campus, participate in special programs, or study with a distinguished faculty member at another campus for one term. Students who meet the above requirements should complete an application available at the Students First Center.

NOTE: The host campus pays the visiting student’s financial aid. If you are a financial aid recipient, you must have a copy of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) sent to the host campus. Use your Student Aid Report (SAR) to make this change.

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Simultaneous Enrollment

UC undergraduate students may enroll, without formal admission and without payment of additional University fees, in courses at another UC campus on a space available basis at the discretion of the appropriate campus authorities on both campuses. Qualifications for this program include: Completion of a minimum of 12 units as a matriculated student at the home campus (this requirement can be waived at the discretion of the Dean of the appropriate school); enrollment at both campuses in the current term with a minimum of 12 units as a matriculated student at the home campus, be in good academic standing, and be certified by their home campus as to eligibility, residence, fee, financial aid and health status .

To participate in this program please submit the application that must be completed by the appropriate authorities on both campuses, and to ensure that the application of a non-home UC course will or will not satisfy degree, graduation, major, GE, or other specific requirements (other than unit credit). Failure to ensure the applicability of the non-home UC course to UC Merced requirements could result in a refusal to allow the course to satisfy any specific requirements (other than unit requirements).

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International Opportunities Programs (IOP) Leave

If you are planning to study abroad with a non-UC program, you may take an IOP Leave. This leave option is specifically designed to enable students to participate in a program external to UC while still maintaining their student status. You may request approval for this leave at the International Center in Room KL 101. The leave may allow financial aid to transfer, includes pre-approval of transfer credit, and retains your UC Merced email address.

The Senior Residence Requirement may be waived if you study abroad through the Education Abroad Program (EAP). However if you study abroad with an external program you must comply with the senior Residency Requirement that states that 24 of your last 36 units must be completed on the UC Merced campus. Your last two semesters before graduation cannot be spent studying on a non-UC program.

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UCM and Merced College Intersegmental Cross Enrollment

UC Merced and Merced College have created an Intersegmental Cross-Enrollment agreement that allows approved full-time undergraduate students from either institution to cross-enroll. Enrollment is limited to one course per term and participating students need the approval of both the home and the host campus.

Senate Bill 1914 requires that UC, CSU, and the California Community Colleges permit students to enroll in one course per term at a campus of either of the other two systems on a space available basis at the discretion of the two campuses involved. This program aims to encourage community college students to enroll concurrently in courses offered at local universities, potentially increasing the number of community college transfers.

Students must have completed at least one term at the home campus as a matriculated student, be enrolled in at least twelve semester units at the home campus during the term in which he or she seeks to cross-enroll, have a grade point average of 2.0 for work completed, be in good academic standing, have paid tuition and fees required by the home campus for the academic term in which he or she seeks to cross-enroll, and be certified by their home campus as to their eligibility, residence, fee, financial aid and health status. 

Residence Requirement: Students must meet residence requirement, be a California resident for tuition purposes or be exempted from nonresident tuition.  Students paying non-resident fees are not eligible to participate in the UCM and Merced College Intersegmental Cross Enrollment Program.

Generally, students will be allowed to add a class, if space is available, after the add/drop period on the host campus. To add a course, students must obtain the faculty member’s approval and signature on a Cross Enrollment form, available at their home campus Registrar’s Office. The student takes the signed form to the Office of the Registrar at the host campus for processing. All course work taken through the Intersegmental Cross Enrollment program is recorded on a host campus transcript and must follow the normal transfer of credit procedures at the home campus.

The documents below provide further information regarding the UC Merced and Merced College Intersegmental Cross Enrollment Program.

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UC Employee Fee Reduction Program

Reduced fees are available to UC career employees and certain UC retirees who are eligible for admission to the university. Once admitted, the employee-student must file a petition for the reduction in fees before each semester of enrollment. Employee-students pay one-third of the full-time registration fee and one-third of the full-time education fee. No campus based fees are charged and those services are not available to Employee students. Employee students may enroll for up to nine (9) units or three (3) courses per semester, whichever is greater. Contact the Office of Human Resources for further information.

Employee Reduced Fee Enrollment Application

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