Audit Glossary: terms and their meanings that are used in the Audit section of MyDegreePath that may be unfamiliar.
Plan Builder Glossary: symbols and their meanings used in the Plan Builder section of MyDegreePath that may be unfamiliar.
Articulation | See Transfer Articulation |
Batch Audit | Audits produced in an overnight batch process for a defined group of students. |
Catalog Year/Term | The term in which a student enters a particular degree program (typically the first term of enrollment at UCM). This determines program requirements as defined in the University Catalog. |
Control Code | Signifies the type of exception |
CS | Course Substitution: Control code to substitute a course for an in-progress or completes course. Caution: A CS exception is global, affecting every place on a student's audit. |
DARS or DARwin | Interchangeable terms used for the Audit, UC Merced's Degree Audit Reporting System |
Degree Audit | An individualized comprehensive report that reflects academic progress toward a specific degree program. |
dprog | Audit slang term, see Program |
Effective Dates | A date range indicating when a specific rule (e.g., an articulation or a degree program requirement) is applicable. For example, a degree program requirement is updated because a new course is added to the list of courses which can be used to fulfill the requirement. The course only applies to the requirement if the student enrolls in the course within the effective date range. |
Error: BQ | This error message occurs when an audit is submitted for someone who does not have a program for which an audit can be run, i.e. summer only, extension. |
Exceptions | Changes made by an advisor to a student's Audit on a student-by-student basis. Examples include matching transfer courses that are not articulated to a specific UCM course, waivers, or other special circumstances. |
IP Grade | This grade appears next to classes in which the student currently enrolled, but has not yet completed. |
Memo | Used for record keeping. Will not print on Audit. Explains the reason for the exception. |
Note | Explains exception. Will print on audit. |
PL | Indicates a course that you have planned to take using Plan Builder. This is unofficial and you would still need to enroll in these courses. |
Program | The curriculum/major code used in the audit report. |
Pseudo | Created names in line with the UCM naming convention and used when making exceptions. For example, a pseudo is required when making an exception to allow a completed transfer course to apply toward selected degree requirements. EXAMPLE: UCM-REQ2 used for the second subrequirement on the UCM University Requirement. |
RA | Requirement Adjustment: Control Code used to adjust a course to a requirement or subrequirement list and/or to adjust required counts, units, GPA. |
RD | Requirement Deletion: Control Code to delete a course from a requirement or subrequirement list and/or to adjust required counts, units, GPA. |
Requirement | Independent components of the degree program that must be completed |
Sub Requirement | Separate components that make up a single requirement; the specific details of what is needed to complete that requirement. |
TUO Grade | This grade appears next to classes that have earned transfer credit, but do not apply to degree requirements. They usually indicate that an AP test was taken and the score earned was high enough to receive units, but not high enough to earn course excemption. |
T Grade | This grade appears next to classes that have been transferred from a non UC school. |
Transfer Articulation | The process of reviewing transfer courses and matching those courses to a specific UCM course or to a particular requirement. |
What if | A feature that can be utilized to run an audit against any major. This is helpful for the student considering a major or concentration. |
If a specific requirement or sub-requirement has not been completed, an X sign will appear. |
If a specific requirement or sub-requirement has been completed, a check mark sign will appear. |
If a specific requirement or sub-requirement is in progress, this sign will appear. | |
if a specific requirement or sub-requirement is in progress, this sign will appear. | |
" * " in course | If a requirement is stated as ***, it means that any course will fulfill the requirement. For example, HIST *** means any history course. HIST 1** means any upper-division history course. |
>D | Indicates a course that has been retaken and the units have been removed. The course grade is still factored in. This usually means that the student has exceeded the 16 repeatable unit limit or has taken a mutually exclusive course. |
>R | Indicates a course that has been repeated for credit. This will appear next to the course that is applying toward a degree. It will also appear next to a course that has been repeated and credit is allowed for all attempts. You might also see this next to transfer courses listed as XXXX-TRAN. |
>X | Indicates a course that has been retaken and replaced. These courses will appear in the Audit under "The following courses do not apply toward a degree." |
Add Roadmap | This allows you to add a different roadmap to plan from. The new roadmap will become associated with the plan you have. After adding a new roadmap, the first roadmap you selected will no longer appear on the roadmap side. | |
Add Term | Adds a new term to your plan. Can be used when you are planning to take summer courses. | |
Alert | This indicates a course you planned for is not projected to be available in the term it was placed or you have not met a pre-requisite. | |
Associated Roadmaps | Displays any associated roadmaps that have been added using the Add Roadmap button. | |
Check Plan | Checks plan against your degree audit. It verifies if requirements are being fulfilled by the courses you selected and can also check for pre-requisites and term availability. | |
Completed | Indicates course or requirement has been successfully completed. | |
Completed Course | Indicates you have already completed a course you have planned. Note: you will receive this icon if you add a course you are retaking. | |
Completed Courses | Changes the display to show the plan on the left and a list of completed courses on the right. You can manually add courses by using the Add Course button found below each semester name. | |
Course List | Indicates you have a list of courses to choose from for a requirement. | |
Critical | This requirement or course is necessary to stay on track. | |
Edit | Use edit to delete an individual course from the semester. You can also change the grade for a courser to use on your planned GPA. | |
GPA Calculator | Changes the display to show the plan on the left and the GPA calculator function on the right. You can manually add courses by using the Add Course button found below each semester name. | |
In Progress | Notes that you are currently registered in a planned course. | |
Incomplete | This displays on courses you have planned for but did not complete. | |
Move Preferred | Transfers courses from the roadmap to the plan. Only appears when you have no courses on the plan side. | |
Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite | Course has at least one pre-requisite or co-requisite you need to plan to take before enrolling in the course. | |
Preferred | From the list of course, this is the preferred course for you to take | |
Remove All | This removes all courses from your Plan. | |
Required | This is a required course for your chosen degree program. | |
Trash | You can delete an individual term by selecting the trash icon found in each term. | |
View an Audit | This will run an audit that shows all courses from the current plan and how they fit into your degree requirements. | |
View PDF | Roadmap side: Creates a PDF version of the roadmap to see entire roadmap. Plan Side: Creates a PDF version of the plan you are building. |