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Changes to your Schedule

Online using MyRegistration

You may make changes to your schedule online in MyRegistration during the appropriate open registration/drop times. View the add/drop/course withdraw deadlines online here.

Section swaps after the online add deadline

Section swaps for sections with a unit value

All section swaps for sections with a unit value follow the add/drop deadlines. More information online.

Section swaps for sections without a unit value

If it is between the 5th and 15th day of instruction--the time when instructor permission is required but prior to the add/drop deadline for the term--section swaps for zero unit courses may be made in MyRegistration. Add the new linked zero unit section to your Shopping Cart and ensure you have Web Registered selected. Select Web Drop for the zero unit section you wish to drop. Ensure the primary (lecture) section is still set to Web Registered. Select the option for a Conditional Add and Drop before you click submit. Selecting Conditional Add and Drop ensures that your old zero unit section will not be dropped unless you are able to sucuessfully add into the new zero unit section all in the same transaction. 

If the add/drop deadline as passed--after the 15th day of instruction--section swaps for zero unit courses may be made with only the instructor's approval. E-mail for the form and you may submit the form after it is signed through the last day of instruction.

Changes using forms

To make changes to your schedule after the appropriate online registration/drop window has closed you must use the appropriate add/drop, or course withdrawal form. More information online.

Changes to grade modes

Unless otherwise stated in the course description, each course is letter graded with a P/NP or S/U option (unless required for your major or graduate program), not including Freshman Seminars that are always P/NP courses.

First year, non transfer undergraduate students have until the end of instruction for the the semester to change the grade mode option on a course after obtaining advisor permission and submitting the appropriate form to the Students First Center. All other undergraduate and graduate students can submit through the Add/Drop deadline.  Students in good standing who are changing a grade option for a course from a letter grade to a P/NP option must conform to the rules guiding the taking of courses on a P/NP basis (see section on Passed/Not Passed).

Resolving Time Conflicts

The course schedule is subject to change even after registration or instruction has started for the term. While these updates are rare, it is important to be mindful that a schedule change may lead to a time conflict within your course schedule for the term that did not exist upon registration. Review your course schedule often including final exam times. If you notice a time conflict, you must either adjust your schedule or seek a resolution with both course instructors using the Time Conflict Override electronic form.

Faculty Drops

Responsibility lies with the student to drop a course they do not attend. However, instructors have the ability to drop students for non-attendance. Students who do not attend class meetings during the first ten days of instruction may be submitted by the course instructor for deletion from the class roster. Deletion from the class roster means the student will be dropped from the course, a refund (if any) will be generated according to the refund schedule, and the course will be removed from the student’s academic history. If the instructor does not exercise this option, the student remains enrolled in the course unless they drop it through regular procedures and by the established deadlines. Students who wish to be excused from attending class must gain permission from each instructor of the classes they expect to miss.

If you were dropped by your instructor and you feel like this drop was made in error, please contact your course instructor directly. To re-add into the course, if space is available and if it is prior to the term's add/drop deadline, contact only after reaching out to your instructor.