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Information about Loading... can be found in the catalog. The policy regarding Loading... can also be found in the catalog. 

The following information is helpful for students who are interested in learning more about Honors at Graduation. 

School Highest Honors High Honors Honors Total
School of Engineering 2% next 4% next 10% 16%
School of Natural Sciences 2% next 4% next 10% 16%
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts 2% next 4% next 10% 16%
At the end of each academic year, the Registrar shall determine for each school the minimum grade-point average of the top 2%, the next 4%, and the next 10% of the students graduating in that year. These grade-point averages shall serve each School as minimal criteria for Honors during the next academic year. This will provide both student transparency and increase the speed in which we can confer degrees and issue diplomas each spring semester. 
Following are the minimum grade-point averages to earn Honors at Graduation for those students who are graduating in Fall 2024, Spring 2025 or Summer 2025.
Academic Year Fall 2023-Summer 2024 Minimum GPAs for Honors at Graduation by College
Percent Determining Cut-Off Point School of Engineering School of Natural Sciences School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Highest Honors (2%) 3.945 4.00 3.983
High Honors (Next 4%) 3.788 3.870 3.923
Honors (Next 10%) 3.606 3.647 3.771


Honors for the commencement program are only calculated for the students completing their degree requirements in the spring semester.  Honors for the commencement program for students who are completing their degree requirements in the summer are not calculated. Final honors calculations are performed after all final grades are received and a review of the student's academic record is completed. If a student is awarded honors, it will be printed on the student's diploma and official transcript.