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First-Year Student Block Schedules

Purpose and Goals

In Fall 2025, UC Merced will begin a pilot program of Block Scheduling. All incoming first-time freshmen students who register for Orientation by the June 9 deadline (see exceptions below) will be registered into a block of 8-16 units worth of courses for their fall semesters. The blocks are designed to help students graduate with the goal of creating a more seamless, supportive, and equitable registration process.

Exceptions--students who will not be block scheduled:

  • Incoming transfer students
  • Incoming student athletes

NOTE: The University will block enroll students in the Fall 2025 courses only, not Spring 2026 courses. Workshops and events will be held in September and October, along with personalized advising in November, to help students prepare for Spring 2026 registration. 

Things To Do

If you are an incoming student being enrolled in a block schedule, there are a couple items you need to complete prior to the semester beginning.

  • By May 15: Complete all required placement exams by the May 15 priority deadline. More information can be found here:
  • By June 1: Self-Report AP and IB courses taken and submit official college transcripts for any college courses taken in high school. More information can be found here:
  • By June 1: Ensure UC Merced has the correct major on file for you. More information can be found here:
  • By June 9: Register for Orientation by the June 9 priority deadline.
  • By the fall fee payment deadline: Accept the Student Statement of Financial Responsibility. Please be sure to read the full agreement so you are aware of your financial obligations to the University.


Am I required to stay in these classes?

No, you are not required to stay in these classes. The University has provided these classes to you and encourages you to stay enrolled. If you drop a class(es) you are no longer guaranteed enrollment.

Please note: You may be part of a special program that requires enrollment in certain courses or sections. Dropping yourself from that section could mean you are no longer eligible to be affiliated with that special program. Contact your program coordinator for more information. 

What if the class time/day does not work for me?

If the time/date of the class(es) does not work for you, you can swap to another section.  Once you change sections you are not guaranteed a space.

What if I want to change my major?

New incoming first-year students can change their major at any time. If you intend to change your major, do so before June 1 to ensure UC Merced enrolls you in the correct block courses. 

If you change your major after June 1, you will likely need to make changes to your schedule to ensure you are making progress towards your degree requirements. Check with your advisor.

What if I am block-enrolled in a course for which I already have credit, or I am currently enrolled in that course?

Many students take courses at their local community college while they are attending high school.

  • If you are have completed courses or have courses in progress at a community college, send in your official transcripts by June 1 to ensure placement into the correct course(s).
  • If you are enrolled in summer session at UC Merced by June 1, we are aware of your enrollment and will automatically place you into the correct course(s)
  • If you are enrolled or plan to enroll in courses at a community college over the summer, please reach out to your advisor

Remember, you are not required to stay enrolled in your block-enrolled courses. If you miss the June 1 deadline, you can always adjust to your schedule. Reach out to your academic advisor for questions. 

How will AP/IB credit be applied?

If you took AP exams or IB exams, those exam scores may impact the classes you are eligible to take at UC Merced in your first semester. Prior to June 1, log in to your UC Admissions application to ensure you have self-reported all your AP and IB scores, including senior year (if applicable).

Remember, you are not required to stay enrolled in your block-enrolled courses. If you miss the June 1 deadline, you can always adjust your schedule. Reach out to your academic advisor for questions. 

What if I want or need to add more classes?

Great!  We encourage all students to take 15 units or more in order to stay on track to graduate. You can register for more classes during your registration appointment time. More information about how to find you assigned appointment time is available here:

What if I decide not to attend UC Merced?

If you decide you no longer want to attend UC Merced you will need to cancel your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Please follow the directions here. You will need your UC Merced login information as well as your information from your application to complete the process. 

Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my block schedule?

Any questions regarding your block schedule can be answered by your academic advisor.