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Making Changes

Online using MyRegistration
You may make changes to your schedule online in MyRegistration during the appropriate open registration/drop times. View the add/drop/course withdraw deadlines online here.

Section swaps after add deadline
Section swaps for zero unit courses can be made with only instructor signature on the add/drop form. A signature from the instructor of record, for the lecture associated with the section, is required.  Section swapping can be done at the Student's First Center and can be done through the last day of instruction.

Section swaps for sections with a unit value follow the add/drop deadlines. 

Changes using forms
To make changes to your schedule after the appropriate online registration/drop window has closed you must use the appropriate add/drop, or course withdrawal form. More information online here.

Changes to grade modes

Unless otherwise stated in the course description, each course is letter graded with a P/NP or S/U option (unless required for your major or graduate program), not including Freshman Seminars which are always P/NP courses.

Students have until the end of the second week of each semester to change the grade option on a course after obtaining advisor permission and submitting the appropriate form to the Students First Center. After the second week of each semester and up until the last day of instruction for that semester, a student may only change the grade option on a course with the approval of their School dean using the Petition of Academic Policy form. Students in good standing who are changing a grade option for a course from a letter grade to a P/NP option must conform to the rules guiding the taking of courses on a P/NP basis (see section on Passed/Not Passed).