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What is MyDegreePath?

When should I view MyDegreePath?

How do I access MyDegreePath?

Should I still consult with my advisor?

Can MyDegreePath help me if I am thinking of switching majors?

Some of my transfer credits are not showing on my degree audit. What should I do?

What if there is something wrong with my degree audit?

What are MyDegreePath limitations?

What is MyDegreePath?
MyDegreePath combines a degree audit with academic planning. A degree audit analyzes your degree requirements for your major according to the catalog year in which you entered UC Merced. Your degree audit report displays the courses from which you select in order to complete degree requirements and shows how the courses you have already completed apply towards those requirements. Your audit report provides a snapshot of where you stand relative to graduation. Knowing how your audit report is structured will make the report easier to understand.
Plan builder allows you to use roadmaps built by academic advisors along with your degree audit to create a path towards graduation. You can create a plan divided by terms and check against your degree audit. Knowing how your academic plan is structured will make planning easier to understand.
When should I view MyDegreePath?
You can view your MyDegreePath at any time, but there are certain important times during a semester that viewing an updated audit and academic plan will be essential. You can request a new, updated degree audit anytime through your by clicking on MyDegreePath. You can view your academic plan(s) by clicking on Plans and selecting your preferred plan. Your preferred plan will run against the degree audit and provide you with a roadmap. You will want to view an updated degree audit prior to and after registering for classes. You will also want to make any updates to your preferred plan so that you can remain on track. It will also be important to view an updated audit and plan after you have filed a Graduation Application and registered for your final semester of courses.
How do I access MyDegreePath?
Your MyDegreePath is available through There is a direct link in the Student Services Channel, or you can select MyStudentRecord and choose MyDegreePath at the bottom of the page. More information about using MyDegreePath can be found here.
Should I still consult with my advisor?
YES! While your degree audit tells you which requirements to meet and Plan Builder can help determine when to take courses, your advisor can give your academic counseling to help you make informed choices as well as offer you career advice that will help you after graduation. MyDegreePath is meant to supplement academic advising, not replace it.
Can MyDegreePath help me if I am thinking of switching majors?
If you are thinking about changing your major or concentration, you may request a "What if" audit anytime through This audit will help you determine how courses already completed will apply to your new major as well as what additional courses are needed to complete the program. When using Plan Builder, you can make a plan based upon the major you are thinking of declaring. It is also recommended that you meet with your academic advisor. More information about how to change your major/minor can be found here.
Some of my transfer credits are not showing on MyDegreePath. What should I do?
First, make sure that your transcript has been sent from your previous school. To request transcripts be sent to UC Merced, you contact the school you attended and follow their procedures to request official transcripts. Once your official transcripts have been received, your transcripts will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions. Once the Office of the Registrar receives your evaluated transfer work, it will be viewable within one week. If your transfer course is not meeting a requirement on your audit and you think this is a mistake, email
Only courses take summer 2016 and after will appear on the transfer evaluations tab.
What if there is something wrong with my degree audit?
If you feel that your degree audit is not correctly analyzing certain requirements, you should consult an advisor from your program.
What are MyDegreePath limitations?
Although your degree audit provides a comprehensive description of program requirements and Plan Builder allows you to strategize your course schedule by semester, it is unofficial.  It is not intended to supplement the role of the School advisor, who will help you with course selection and assist you in making informed decisions. If you find that your courses are not meeting requirements as expected, consult with your advisor. If you notice a difference between your audit and your unofficial transcript, please report this discrepancy to the Office of the Registrar at